Thursday, June 28, 2007

☆Before school☆

I have classes from 14:50 on Thursday (only 4th and 5th classes!!) , so I usuary go shopping or eat lunch with my mom before school on Thursday.
Yesterday, I also go to Yokohoma with mom, and buy some clothes and a metronome which is small enough to carry. I've been wanted that kind of metronome, because I want to bring it to school.
After shopping, we went to a restaurant and eat delicious lunch which contains a salad, pasta, drink, and dessert. It costs ¥1000~¥1500. Isn't it inexpensive for that volume? If you have a time, how about go there? It's near the Yokohama station. I recommend you a dessert "burulee". It's so nice!!
Next week, we have a lot of homeworks, so let's finish them during this weekend!!
Have a good holiday!!

Monday, June 18, 2007


Today, I had a quarrel between my friends.
This is the first time for me to have such a serious quarrel with friends,
so I was very afraid.
However, after that, we made up with them,
and I think we could be better friends than ever!!
It seems that we could grow up a little bit.
I learn how important friends are!!!!

Friday, June 15, 2007

♡I'm free!!♡

This week was soooo hard because of many many homeworks, so everybody said "Oh...I'm sooooooooo tired" and so am I. Tomorrow, we have to take a TOEFL test, but I think it is not so hard compared with our homeworks. Moewover, I have a lot of time to sleep today☆彡 And I feel free now!!

By the way, my high scool hold a "school festival" on this weekends. Though I can't go there because of TOEFL test and my part-time job, many of my friends will come to ODAWARA. So I can meet my high school friends!! I'm looking forward it very much(^O^)♬

See you tomorrow...

Thursday, June 7, 2007

I'm very tired !!

These days, I have no time to relax. I usually go back to home at 20:30 and get up at 5:20 to go school on weekdays, and I have to get up at 4:30 on holidays because of my part time job. Getting up early isn't hard for me, but it's very hard that I don't have enough time to sleep!! It has made me so annoyed. And, I often sleep in the bathroom or on the sofa or carpet...yesterday I also slept in the bathroom from 12:00 to 2:50 (Oh my god!!!) then I started my homework at 3:30. And it became a time I had to go school, so I couldn't sleep in the bed. This is not rare thing but common thing. Umm....

I want to have a loooooooooong free time!! I wish our school would close because of "measles (Hashika in japanese)" (^^;) Don't you think so??