Friday, May 25, 2007

*☆My Birthday☆*

Today May 25th is my 19th birthday!! In my intensive class, my friends sang a birthday song for me♪And Nacchann gave me a very cute presnt!! I was so happy(^^)** I have to say "Thank you " for all of you!!

After finished all of today's classes, my friends of music class held me a party at the restaurant of Okonomiyaki near our school. It was the first time I went to that kind of restaurant and eat "monjya-yaki". It was nice!! Moreover, they gave me a present!! We enjoyed that well.

Tommorow, my family will hold me a birthday party again. I'm looking forward it very much. Now, I feel very very happy , and I realize how important friends are!! I want to enjoy my last year of my teens, and I decid to try my best all the time.

By the way, I have another happy thing today!! Today is a first payday of my part-time job!! I can buy some clothes and accessories by my money, how wonderful!! Then I'm I go to bed. Good night and have a nice holiday!!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

*China Town*

Today's morning, I had a headache, so I didn't go first class. Sory Caleb (. . ;)  But now I'm OK.

After the second class, I went to "China Town" with my friends before the lectue of Christ. We went to a restauran which we can eat as much as we like for 1260 yen!! Of course, it was very nice, so I ate a lot(^^) But...may be I ate too much and after that, it was dificult to move∑(><)

Then we went around the "Motomachi street" and went to the lecture. At first, I felt a little bit tired (actually, I was sooooo sleepy, I slept may be 10 to 15 minutes...) , but gradually, I was interested priest's story, so I enjoyed it.

After that, we went "GODIVA" to drink!! The picture is the drink I ate. It's 630 yen, so somewhat expensive, but very very nice***If you go to the shop, how about try it?? I recomend espesially who likes chokolates!!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

♡Mother's Day♡

Today is "Mother's Day", so I sent my mom a bouquet of carnations. Actually, I wanted to send more big present, but I spent almost all my money this month, so I couldn't do(^^;) However, my mom was very pleased to have it, that made me happy too♪
Don't you think both to send something for other people and to recieve some presents are wonderful thing?? I think so★.*。°That's because I take various memorial days too important !!

Today, I had a part time job. I'm so tired that I go to bed...See you next morning

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

*Full of flowers*

Wednesday is lesson day of piano♪
 I like my personal lesson at Yamate.
My teacher
teaches me very polite, sometimes it's difficult to change my way of performance as my teacher tell me, but I enjoy it very much!!

By the way, I had some free time after my lesson until the school bus left, so I went to the "Minato no mieru oka koen" by myself.
It took about 10 minutes from campus and today was too hot, so I felt a little bit tired when I was walking. However, it is just in full bloom of roses!!
It was the first time for me to see such a lot of roses, so I thought wonderful!!
It was also so beautiful, I was cheered up.
If you have a time,
how about going there during roses are in full of bloom(?_?)

Like this, I enjoy my school life very much.
Everyday I feel busy for many homeworks and practicing the piano, but they are not pain.
Let's enjoy more and more(.>∪<.)/

Saturday, May 5, 2007

I'm very very tired!!

This GW , I worked too hard at my part-time job!! I work on 4/28, 29, 5/3, 5, 6. Moreover, I worked today from 6:00 to 15:00 (9 hours!!) , so I'm tooooooooo tired to do anything. Only thing I want to do is just sleeping!! (v_v)Zzz... Tomorrow is last holiday of GW, but also I'll work . This GW seems not to be a holiday but a time to work!! Haha...

But, I enjoyed yesterday with my friend. It was a first time for me to visit a room of living alone, so it was very fresh for me. I don't have a plan to live alone during this 4 years, but I want to do someday!!

Now I'm very sleepy, so I'm going to bed See you!!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

♪Private Lesson of the Piano♪

It was very nice weather today!! I love spring weather like today, but it was a little bit hot.

By the way, today, after finished the first class at 10:30, I shoud have hurried to the train leaves at 10:49. Because I had a private piano lesson at YAMATE campus from 11:35 (usually I can take a school bus leaves at 13:10, and my lesson starts at 13:50, but today's lesson was different time as usual .) I arrived at Ishikawacho station at 11:20, so I had to take a taxi. I was just in time, so I thought "What a relief !! " . Lesson was so fan!!

After that, I din't have any class, so I went to Yokohama and Ebina for shopping . I bought a pretty knit☆ I enjoyed today, but I'm tired because of lesson and shoppingso, I'm going to take a rest and begin practice on the piano.

GW starts again!! Have a good holiday(*>▽<)/