Tuesday, July 24, 2007

★third practical test★

Today, I had a singing test at YAMATE campas. It is a third practical test of me, and there is only one practical test!! Last test is chorus, and it is on this Thursday.

After today's test, I went to a cafe in MOTOMACHI street with my friends. We ate very delicious cake set there!! May be it is based on the story of "Alice wonder land" , so there are some Alice goods in the cafe.

If you have a time, how about go there??

By the way, I like MOTOMACHI street very much. There are so many cute shops, and if I don't buy anything, we can enjoy them. I can't wate to be third glade of Ferris, because almost all of music classes are held in YAMATE campas at that time. Moreover, it is easire than Ryokuen campas to go from Odawara. If you know some nice shops, let me know!!!

Saturday, July 21, 2007


On Thursday, I finished piano practical test♪ I was not so serious this time, so I could do my best !! After entered Ferris University, I became to love the piano more and more !! May be my new piano teacher and musical surroundings are better than ever. Our school life is very very hard, but I can enjoy it very much☆

But....there are so many things I have to do now!! 2 reports and 2 singing tests and some tests...I want to rest, but after that, we can enjoy long long summer vacation!!!! Then I start studying. See you!!

Sunday, July 8, 2007


Yesterday, I went to TANABATA FESTIVAL in Hiratsuka.

It takes only 20 minutes from Odawara to Hiratsuka, so my local friends and I go there almost every year.

The festival is famous for its wonderful decolations!!

I wore YUKATA, so I was very happy(^∪^)♪


There ware so many people at the festival that I was pushed and steped on by some people... but, it was so excited.
I really enjoyed it!!

It is held every year for about 7 days.

If you are interested in it, why don't you go next year?

You can have a nice time!!!

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Only ② weeks !!

I know not only I, but also you are very very busy these days.
And as almost all of you know, I have some
practical exams
this month!! It is not only piano, but also singing, chorus and accompaniment of the Horn. So, these days, I really practice them hard. After all of classes, I go to the practice room of the building 5 (It is next to the chapel. May be you don't know. ) and practice the piano until 20:00. Moreover, I have to practice other things, singing and chorus, so I often read music books in trains without real music. Then almost all days I go back to my home around 22:00. And after finished dinner and bath, I start my homeworks......but...... this week, almost every morning, I noticed that I slept strange place!! On the sofa, not in the bed but on futons, and on the desk and so on... so I couldn't finish them...and if I tried to do my best on the way of school, they were not so good.

Indeed, it is hard to accomplish both assignments, music class and English. But I like both of them, and both music and Englis-class friends are very nice. Sometimes, practicing piano is good way to calm down. The first practical exam is on 18th July...
Anyway, I'll try to do my best!!!!!! Let's thinking about
summer vacations!!!!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

☆Before school☆

I have classes from 14:50 on Thursday (only 4th and 5th classes!!) , so I usuary go shopping or eat lunch with my mom before school on Thursday.
Yesterday, I also go to Yokohoma with mom, and buy some clothes and a metronome which is small enough to carry. I've been wanted that kind of metronome, because I want to bring it to school.
After shopping, we went to a restaurant and eat delicious lunch which contains a salad, pasta, drink, and dessert. It costs ¥1000~¥1500. Isn't it inexpensive for that volume? If you have a time, how about go there? It's near the Yokohama station. I recommend you a dessert "burulee". It's so nice!!
Next week, we have a lot of homeworks, so let's finish them during this weekend!!
Have a good holiday!!

Monday, June 18, 2007


Today, I had a quarrel between my friends.
This is the first time for me to have such a serious quarrel with friends,
so I was very afraid.
However, after that, we made up with them,
and I think we could be better friends than ever!!
It seems that we could grow up a little bit.
I learn how important friends are!!!!

Friday, June 15, 2007

♡I'm free!!♡

This week was soooo hard because of many many homeworks, so everybody said "Oh...I'm sooooooooo tired" and so am I. Tomorrow, we have to take a TOEFL test, but I think it is not so hard compared with our homeworks. Moewover, I have a lot of time to sleep today☆彡 And I feel free now!!

By the way, my high scool hold a "school festival" on this weekends. Though I can't go there because of TOEFL test and my part-time job, many of my friends will come to ODAWARA. So I can meet my high school friends!! I'm looking forward it very much(^O^)♬

See you tomorrow...

Thursday, June 7, 2007

I'm very tired !!

These days, I have no time to relax. I usually go back to home at 20:30 and get up at 5:20 to go school on weekdays, and I have to get up at 4:30 on holidays because of my part time job. Getting up early isn't hard for me, but it's very hard that I don't have enough time to sleep!! It has made me so annoyed. And, I often sleep in the bathroom or on the sofa or carpet...yesterday I also slept in the bathroom from 12:00 to 2:50 (Oh my god!!!) then I started my homework at 3:30. And it became a time I had to go school, so I couldn't sleep in the bed. This is not rare thing but common thing. Umm....

I want to have a loooooooooong free time!! I wish our school would close because of "measles (Hashika in japanese)" (^^;) Don't you think so??

Friday, May 25, 2007

*☆My Birthday☆*

Today May 25th is my 19th birthday!! In my intensive class, my friends sang a birthday song for me♪And Nacchann gave me a very cute presnt!! I was so happy(^^)** I have to say "Thank you " for all of you!!

After finished all of today's classes, my friends of music class held me a party at the restaurant of Okonomiyaki near our school. It was the first time I went to that kind of restaurant and eat "monjya-yaki". It was nice!! Moreover, they gave me a present!! We enjoyed that well.

Tommorow, my family will hold me a birthday party again. I'm looking forward it very much. Now, I feel very very happy , and I realize how important friends are!! I want to enjoy my last year of my teens, and I decid to try my best all the time.

By the way, I have another happy thing today!! Today is a first payday of my part-time job!! I can buy some clothes and accessories by my money, how wonderful!! Then I'm tired...so I go to bed. Good night and have a nice holiday!!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

*China Town*

Today's morning, I had a headache, so I didn't go first class. Sory Caleb (. . ;)  But now I'm OK.

After the second class, I went to "China Town" with my friends before the lectue of Christ. We went to a restauran which we can eat as much as we like for 1260 yen!! Of course, it was very nice, so I ate a lot(^^) But...may be I ate too much and after that, it was dificult to move∑(><)

Then we went around the "Motomachi street" and went to the lecture. At first, I felt a little bit tired (actually, I was sooooo sleepy, I slept may be 10 to 15 minutes...) , but gradually, I was interested priest's story, so I enjoyed it.

After that, we went "GODIVA" to drink!! The picture is the drink I ate. It's 630 yen, so somewhat expensive, but very very nice***If you go to the shop, how about try it?? I recomend espesially who likes chokolates!!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

♡Mother's Day♡

Today is "Mother's Day", so I sent my mom a bouquet of carnations. Actually, I wanted to send more big present, but I spent almost all my money this month, so I couldn't do(^^;) However, my mom was very pleased to have it, that made me happy too♪
Don't you think both to send something for other people and to recieve some presents are wonderful thing?? I think so★.*。°That's because I take various memorial days too important !!

Today, I had a part time job. I'm so tired that I go to bed...See you next morning

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

*Full of flowers*

Wednesday is lesson day of piano♪
 I like my personal lesson at Yamate.
My teacher
teaches me very polite, sometimes it's difficult to change my way of performance as my teacher tell me, but I enjoy it very much!!

By the way, I had some free time after my lesson until the school bus left, so I went to the "Minato no mieru oka koen" by myself.
It took about 10 minutes from campus and today was too hot, so I felt a little bit tired when I was walking. However, it is just in full bloom of roses!!
It was the first time for me to see such a lot of roses, so I thought wonderful!!
It was also so beautiful, I was cheered up.
If you have a time,
how about going there during roses are in full of bloom(?_?)

Like this, I enjoy my school life very much.
Everyday I feel busy for many homeworks and practicing the piano, but they are not pain.
Let's enjoy more and more(.>∪<.)/

Saturday, May 5, 2007

I'm very very tired!!

This GW , I worked too hard at my part-time job!! I work on 4/28, 29, 5/3, 5, 6. Moreover, I worked today from 6:00 to 15:00 (9 hours!!) , so I'm tooooooooo tired to do anything. Only thing I want to do is just sleeping!! (v_v)Zzz... Tomorrow is last holiday of GW, but also I'll work . This GW seems not to be a holiday but a time to work!! Haha...

But, I enjoyed yesterday with my friend. It was a first time for me to visit a room of living alone, so it was very fresh for me. I don't have a plan to live alone during this 4 years, but I want to do someday!!

Now I'm very sleepy, so I'm going to bed See you!!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

♪Private Lesson of the Piano♪

It was very nice weather today!! I love spring weather like today, but it was a little bit hot.

By the way, today, after finished the first class at 10:30, I shoud have hurried to the train leaves at 10:49. Because I had a private piano lesson at YAMATE campus from 11:35 (usually I can take a school bus leaves at 13:10, and my lesson starts at 13:50, but today's lesson was different time as usual .) I arrived at Ishikawacho station at 11:20, so I had to take a taxi. I was just in time, so I thought "What a relief !! " . Lesson was so fan!!

After that, I din't have any class, so I went to Yokohama and Ebina for shopping . I bought a pretty knit☆ I enjoyed today, but I'm tired because of lesson and shoppingso, I'm going to take a rest and begin practice on the piano.

GW starts again!! Have a good holiday(*>▽<)/

Monday, April 30, 2007


As I wrote yesterday, I went to Yokohama with my sister today. I bought a piano score of “The Theme and Variation”by Francis Poulenc, a modern composer of France. It's a very interesting tune, so I'm looking forward to playing it fluently!!

After that, we went around many shops near the Yokohama station, but I didn't buy any thing, though my sister bought many thing... We enjoyed shopping, but were so tired we had a rest at a Japanese cafe of “HAYASHIYA CHAEN”(It's the tenth floor of SOGO). we both ate a powdered green tea parfait (in Japanese, Maccha pafe). It was very very delicious I wanted to list the picture on this blog, but I didn't have a camera. If you have a time and like Japanese sweets, how about go there?? If you go, let me know how you think.

Let's meet next English class. See you tomorrow(^^)/

Saturday, April 28, 2007

☆Part Time Job☆

I've been working at a convenience on saturday and Sunday since this April. Today is the sixth time to work here. I usually start at 6:00AM to about 12:00PM. Sometimes I feel a little bit tired, but I'm enjoying this job. Today, however, I could sleep only 3 hours because of my homeworks and so on, so I was very tired.

Taking some rest, I'll plactice the piano. If I am tired, playing the piano makes me very carm. Moreover today is sooooo wonderful wether that I feel happy! So, I'll be able to enjoy playing the piano.

Tomprrow, I'll going to Yokohama to shopping with my sister(she is 2 years older than me). I'm looking forward to that. Please enjoy your holiday too!!

My First BLOG!!

Hello!I'm sorry to make first blog too late. Now, I introduce myself!!

As you know, I'm not a student of the department of English-literature, but a music♪Department of the Music is separated two courses,performance and art (In Japanese, Ensou and geijyutu). I'm a former cource's student, and I'm specialized in the piano. I began it when I was 6 years old,  so I've been doing the piano for about 13 years . I love the piano very much! I wish I can be a better player.

I'm living in Odawara(Kanagawa). There are famous for Odawara castle, Kamaboko, Umeboshi, Odawara-Chochin etc... Odawara is very warm, so it's comfortable to live. Espacially, my favorite place in here is sea. Whenever you come to here, I will guide you all around Odawara!

Now...I have so many things to write about, but today, I finish around here. I hope I can be your good friend!! Please talk to me any time.

Good night...☆.。・+*